I just had to share this stunning card with you all.
ANOTHER one of our very talented customers (Clare Chalk) popped in earlier this week to show me the card she was planning on sending to her mother-in-law for mother's day yesterday.
It is just the cutest card, Clare's incorporated the cricut machine to create floral border, and take a close up look to the message motif...

Recognise the very, very useful stamp 'it's your day' by hero arts? Nicely finished off with just plain ole punched out circles overlaid to give an interesting scallop, flower effect.

Now this flower box from the tilda collection (2297H), i just wouldn't have looked twice at on the shelf but i am so impressed with how it's stmaped out and looks just amazing with the cute sweetheart tilda (2321G) sitting on it. The colouring is very effective too and i think all Clare used was our favouirte water-based markers - marvy le plume II pens. The card is just finished off with a few flowers and brads and there you go.
Lucky Clare's mother-in-law, to recieve such a fantastic card. Well done Clare, it's amazing.
By the way, if you are ever planning a trip to see us here in Peterborough and fancy a decent pub meal while you are over here, Clare's pub is within a couple of minutes drive and serves extremely yummy food at a decent price (www.thecrabandwinkle.co.uk). I should know, i've been there twice this past week!
Wow what a gorgeous card ,
which cartridge did she use to make the back ground please xxx
hugs Dawnxxx
Yes, very pretty card. Just spent ages looking through cartridge although I only used that frame yesterday - must be a moral there, too many cartridges ! Anyway its Home Accents.
Huge thanks Brenda xxxx
will have to see if they have it in stock xxx
hugs Dawnxxx
Was going to say which cartridge I used but was beaten to it, I've never joined in on comments before so was slow to let you know so thanks for identifying it for me, Storybook also has lots of lovely frames.
The trick to this frame was to cut out the same size in both coloured card (the frame) as well as cream card (on which you sit the design), therefore the two match perfectly.
Sorry Claire, wasn't meaning to butt in, but love your card.
I love this card - can't wait to do a Tilda class at SSAL!
Such a beautiful card and I just love the colours x
Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
Mothers Day Gifts to Chennai
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